Saturday, September 18, 2010

Test Plan Contents

1) Test Plan Identifier-Its nothing but the way we name our test plan, ideally naming convention used is Name_Version_status

2) Introduction-It includes basic introduction of the Product or Project

-Project Docs


-Quality Policy

-Customer Docs

3) Test Items-It includes all the objects that are to be tested, test basis is an important document required in this phase to figure out all the important Test objects.

4) Features to be tested-Any Product or Project consist of group of Features. We have some broad classifications:







Now based on different requirements and type of project it is decided that which of these classifications would be tested.

5) Features not to be Tested-To decide which of the above mentioned classifications would not be included in the testing.

6) Test Deliverables-Once the testing activity is completed, what all needs to be delivered to client or management. (Maintained with proper Version)

-Release Notes

-Hardware or software (If Required)

-Testing Tool that has been used

7) Approach-The way we strategize our testing activity:

-Effort estimation

-Deciding test levels

8) Test Suspension & Resumption Criteria-There is level up to which any developed feature by development team need to be completed so that feature could be passed on to the Testing team. In case that criterion is not achieved Testing is suspended and sent back to dev team, once they complete the task again testing in resumed. So that criteria is been decided in this particular content.

9) Staffing and Training-To decide how many resources would be required and also would they require any prior training to start with testing activity.

10) Scheduling-It includes the timelines that would be the part of entire test activity.

-Time that would be required to complete entire testing cycle

-Time that would be spend on individual Levels

-Time that would be spent on ay sought of documentation

11) Testing Tasks-It includes what all tasks would be part of testing activity:

-Manual Testing

-Automation Testing

-Db Testing

-Reviews etc

12) Environmental Needs-It includes the environmental need to the test activity

-Test data

-Any hardware requirement

-Any tool requirement

-Any third party integration

13) Responsibilities-It includes the broad classification of responsibilities that would be shared by entire team.

-Project management

-Team Management

-Testing activities

14) Risk-It includes the risks that might come into place in future:

-Business risk

-Resource management

-Product or project risk

-Impact analysis

15) Approval-This documents the approval part, in case any document or any requirement needs to be approved then that part is decided here

-What needs to be approved and by whom

16) Item pass/Fail Criteria-Here we decide the pass fail criteria for the entire test activity

-It may be decided that in case any feature has less the 2 minor bugs it can be considered as pass or else fail

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