Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quality Assurance Vs Quality Control


Quality is defined as meeting Customer's requirement in the first time and every time. Quality is much more then absence of defects, which allows us to meet customer's expectations.

There are five perspectives of quality:

Transcendent-I know when I see it

Product Based-Possesses desired features

User Based-Fitness for use

Development and Manufacturing based-Confirms to requirements

Value based-At an acceptable cost

Quality is most important factor affecting an organization's long term performance. Quality is the way to achieve improved productivity and competitiveness in any organization.

Quality Assurance:

QA is a planned and systematic set of activities necessary to provide adequate confidence that product and services will confirm to specified requirements and meet user needs.QA aims at building the confidence in the system so that probable client or Customer could be given an assurance that final product adheres to the set Requirements.

Quality Control:

QC is a process by which Product quality is compared with applicable standards and the action taken when non-conformance is detected. Quality control is line function and work is done within a process to ensure that work product conforms to standards and/or requirements.

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