Friday, September 24, 2010

Bug Life Cycle-Definitions and different Severities and Priorities

New-Whenever a bug or defect is produced by the concerned stakeholder, a new bug is opened.

Assigned-The respected bug is assigned to the concerned developer

Fixed-Once the developer fixes the bug he marks it as fixed

Verified-Once the bug is fixed by the developer, the concerned Tester would verify whether the bug has been fixed or not.

Re-opened-In case the bug has not been fixed the bug would be marked as Reopened so that it would be assigned again to a developer and cycle would be repeated.

Closed-Once the Tester confirms that the bug has been fixed he would mark it as Closed.

Definition of Different Priorities:


P1-Cannot ship the product/project without this

P2-It is highly desirable and planned for this release but it would not stop the shipping of the build

P3-It is of interest but not planned for this release.


Blocker- Prevents function from being used, no work-around, blocking progress on multiple fronts

Critical- Prevents function from being used, no work-around

Major- Prevents function from being used, but a work-around is possible

Normal- A problem making a function difficult to use but no special work-around is required

Minor- A problem not affecting the actual function, but the behavior is not natural

Trivial- A problem not affecting the actual function, a typo would be an example

Enhancement-Something that can be good to have but not necessary to be included in the current release

-Low Severity and High Priority:

UI issue on website, spelling mistake it is of low severity but of high priority as it affects the business

-High Severity and Low Priority:

If there is an application if that application crashes after multiple use of any functionality (E.g. :- save Button use 200 times then that application will crash)

Means High Severity because application crashed but Low Priority because no need to debug right now you can debug it after some days.